Multi-dimensional Threats Of Cattle-Rustling To National Security In Nigeria

Asemota Roberts Osatohanmwen

Keywords: Cattle, rustling, violence, herdsmen, peace-building


This study assesses the threats of cattle rustling to national security in Nigeria. In recent years, the incident of cattle rustling has systematically increased and heighten tensions which have resulted to the cycle of violence attacks; thereby leading to the loss of cattle to rustlers and the severe reduction of peasant income among herders and farmers’ communities. Through a systematic literature review, this study analyzed how cattle rustling activities in Nigeria significantly contribute to insurgency which threatens national security in Nigeria. The study’s findings recognized that the basic causes of cattle rustling in Nigeria are socio-economic and cultural in nature. The study concludes that cattle rustling pose a great threat to national security in Nigeria. The study recommends that there is need for a multi-dimensional framework which strengthens grassroots security within principles and practices of neighbourhood-watch, peace-building and conflict prevention.

Author Biography

Asemota Roberts Osatohanmwen School of General Studies, Michael Okpara University of Agriculture, Umudike, Abia State, Nigeria,