Comparative Analysis Of Public Administration In United States Of America, South Africa And Nigeria

Abdullahi Mustafa Sheikh

Keywords: Good Governance, Efficiency, Effectively, Democratic, Counterpart, Administration


Efforts have been made to democratized government and make it more responsible and compatible to development needs. This study examines public administration in Nigeria with the aim of comparing it with public administration in the United States of America (USA) and South Africa. The study relied on secondary sources of data. The study’s findings portray the community as a consumer market, where citizens are consumers of public services and governments are providers. The paper concludes that Nigeria has a lot to learn or gain from the system of government administration in USA and South Africa. Succinctly, high revenue stability and consistency in effective service delivery form basic characteristics of public administration in USA and South Africa. The study recommends that the sacking of elected local government council executives by states governors in Nigeria should be revisited constitutionally. In addition, elections into all the local government councils in Nigeria should be fixed by the constitution.

Author Biography

Abdullahi Mustafa Sheikh

Department of Political Science, IBB University Lapai, Niger State, Nigeria